Sunday, June 18, 2006
Szekesfehervar - Like Coppull, but Better

Research will be key, so the most salient facts I have gleaned in the recreation of a Coppull / Szekesfehervar Superstate are.
1. Hungarian Kings were crowned there quite regularly. 43 kings and 39 Queens
2. The name means White Castle with Seat
3. The place repelled the Mongol invasion.
4. Major industry is Bus manufacturing.
So to recreate this, I take it upon myself to organise the Castle, the Crown...Bus Manufacturing - what I need are some Mongols that I can repel. If you are free for some Mongol action this week, drop me a comment.
Fred Scores

Not a bad game and the Aussies gave as good as they got (so VD all around then).
The best thing about todays game was how ITV managed to find a Steve Irwin impersonator in a crowd of 4,000 socceroos (nice nickname folks). In a typical ITV manner, they also tried to get a famous Aussie into the studio, to do some punditry. But why Shane Warne? Surely Dame Edna Everage would have been better, or better still Bea Smith from Cell Block H.
The question remains will Fred continue to carry this form to Lloret De Mar?
4.00 at Carl's if I am not mistaken
What Next Week Will Have in Store

I am also looking at potential time travel, the frictionless rubbing of strangers and the unbalancing of children (ages 2 - 7).
Just seen Fred and he says that he

Coppull Wa_king Day

Well it was Coppull Walking Day, and what better way to relax than a cacophany of noise trundling past your house.

Plenty of brass on show , they even managed a rendition of Rick James' Superfreak, but it went slightly M.C Hammer. Not to worry.
Nobody from our clan was walking due to the drizzle, but I think the Junior Rose Queen enjoyed being behind the Coppull Band.

I think they need to update the procession for the 21st Century. I suggest fire breathing midgets, wild tigers (with Siegfried & Roy style handlers) and "poor" celebrity lookalikes. Now that would make Coppull throng.
Take a little time out of your day to remember "Jesus is Lord"
Cocoon Auditions

Photo's have just turned up from the auditions of Cocoon - The Charnock Richard Years, at Hough Towers yesterday.
To be honest they didn't look too bad last night after a few pale ales.
As always they were true professionals, and impeccably discrete.

Steve Guttenberg hasn't aged that well though (see right)
Anyway back to the World Cup, and I have just read a selection of readers letters about the World Cup Coverage so far.
"I felt that it was wrong to show Ronaldinho blessing himself. Not being a catholic I found this footage to be thoroughly objectionable."
"I think your commentator Mick McCarthy has a boring voice. It nearly sent me to sleep. I would like you to sack him and give his wages to charity."
"Your football coverage, from commentary to graphic design is a f*cking joke. Kind Regards"
Family Fortunes (BBQ pt.1)

Lil' Sophie seemed completely oblivious that it was her birthday, but seemed to like the idea that "stuff" turns up and becomes hers.

I did like the idea that you can put your face on a cake, and then eat it. The BBQ was supplemented by a good ol' fashioned buffet. But the alarming Cheese and Pickled Onions on sticks, should come with a warning. The Noel Edmonds of Buffet snacks. Totally pointless - best left in the 80's.

Family Phillips were in fine fettle, check mein mutter in Shades after having a heavy Friday out on the tiles.
Presents included a bike, stunt bubble machine, sand pit and a selection of wood from yours truly.
Birthday BBQ gave us the Worms

This combination forced sophistication to sit in the corner, face the wall and sulk.
Hough Towers were the salubrious surroundings we found ourselves in, and as is the right of the host, he had first choice on which dance move he could use throughout the evening.
The Bus Stop, The Hustle, The Bump all worthy dance moves. But what would Ed Hough pop his ass to? The Worm was an obvious choice, as both Ed and worms become highly visible after rainstorms, have abilities to get into tight holes whilst contracting and expanding and usually

The Ambassador really spoiled us with a fine selection of meats, fish and er...feta cheese, as you can see Food Accuracy Tester, Ste was enjoying his fill. I even have one shot of him NOT eating.

Lest us not forget, that the BBQ was in honour of Sal, and her ability to get older. To celebrate a cake was brought forth in the shape of a dog. Dougal as he became known was a loyal companion for about 12 minutes, before he was consumed.

As more Rooney Juice was consumed the inevitable stand offs began to happen. One such feud, ended with "name calling" and mutual chafing. Here are the two pugilists. Remember don't fight the LAW.
Especially when it looks like this.

I'm glad I didn't have to view / clean up the aftermath of this, it was probably best that I disappeared in the early hours.

Remember in the words of the Immortal (and no longer Scary) Bill Hough.

"If you can't beat them, probably best poisoning them."
What Did I Do Yesterday ?

If you haven't worked it out "Bar Bee Cues". Went to two. One for a girl who still soils herself, can't speak properly and needs help eating. The other for my 2 year old niece (sorry Sal).
Both BBQ's were textbook, and the meat was moist and plentiful. To give them both suitable coverage I will report separately on them.
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

Mick remains non plussed, last time he got "picked up" with Fred, "bad things" happened.
World Cup wise, good results by Ghana and the U.S of A mean that their group is "Wide Open". Which is nice.
Morning after the night before, doesn't feel as bad as anticipated. Even managed some Starmix when I got in.