Sunday, June 18, 2006
Cocoon Auditions

Photo's have just turned up from the auditions of Cocoon - The Charnock Richard Years, at Hough Towers yesterday.
To be honest they didn't look too bad last night after a few pale ales.
As always they were true professionals, and impeccably discrete.

Steve Guttenberg hasn't aged that well though (see right)
Anyway back to the World Cup, and I have just read a selection of readers letters about the World Cup Coverage so far.
"I felt that it was wrong to show Ronaldinho blessing himself. Not being a catholic I found this footage to be thoroughly objectionable."
"I think your commentator Mick McCarthy has a boring voice. It nearly sent me to sleep. I would like you to sack him and give his wages to charity."
"Your football coverage, from commentary to graphic design is a f*cking joke. Kind Regards"