Friday, June 16, 2006
Mussel Meat

Nothing better on a Friday Night than sitting back with a big tub of Mussel Meat. Tonight I have some Schofferhofer Hefeweizen to accompany this feast, and will be drinking from a Grimbergergen Goblet.
It's been a long week, and the weekend offers a myriad of events to absorb. Tonight, I will kick back and watch the skies go orange over Coppull. Just like the stands tonight as Nederland knocked out the Ivory Coast.
If anybody has any ideas of what I can do next week, post a comment. Think of it like you have your own diceman.
Game of the Tournament

Argentina looked awesome could have been 10. Even their bench could win the World Cup. All Englands Bench could get is wood worm. To celebrate some Champagne style football, I went on to a cheeky Weissbier I had been saving. Andechser Hefetrub, brewing since 1455. Smooth, Wheaty and especially pleasurable from a goblet. Hmmm.

The BBC seemed to love the fact that they have had the game of the World Cup, so much so that a relaxed Lineker attempted a terrible joke about Pekerman (Argentinian Manger) being a Taxi Driver. Leonardo (the Brazilian) who can't understand anybody, just sat there, looking uncomfortable - whilst Tourettic Ian Wright contorted himself. The tumbleweed went as quick as it arrived.
Here are the BBC team on a night out around town.
"Different Class"

I think the 8th day of the World Cup has become a day too far for EJP. Asleep by the first game of the day.
TV Coverage keeps on cutting to Diego "Don't Forget He Cheated" Maradona, who seems to be still sporting the same top he wore at Mexico '86. Looks a

Summer must be here as the smell of suncream is in the air, and I eat hamburgers quite freely(even though I know they are made out of cardboard, offal and slurry).

Argentinian manager is called Pekerman, which has been dealt with professionally by the BBC. I know in the hands of Spud Tyldesley this would end with him chuckling behind his hand.

Feeling like I can muster some afternoon beverages now. Probably start light and progress up the ladder as the day goes on.
Well I am sure everyone is enjoying that Friday feeling now. I know Diego Armando Maradona is.
Round Up Of Yesterdays Action

As I was supined in the garden yesterday, I didn't do a round up of the oddities that happened.
Ivan Kaviedes, for Ecuadors' third goal pulled on a SpiderMan style mask in celebration. I think it looks more like Bananaman however. Very good. Reminded me of Facundo Sava of Fulham when he used to put his Zorro Mask on.

Also noticed the first 'pikey' of the World Cup playing for Sweden. Christian Wilhelmsson. A Beautiful Rat's Tail - the Fashion accessory of the summer I'm sure.

Also in a nostradamus style prediction, Otto Pfister (the guy I said looked like a pub / nightclub manager in a previous post) has been accused of being drunk in charge of his team, by the head of the Togo F.A
Take a look at him (on the left). Medallion, Jeans, Unbuttoned Black Shirt. Aged 68. Surely he wasn't drunk?
Sun starting to show it's head so I'm off outside to eat Haribo Starmix and get into reading my book on the Cosa Nostra.
Gli Amici Degli Amici
Fan Power

I can't believe ITV (the lying sh*ts). All yesterday saying only 2 games on Freitag, and now I find out that there are 3. This has postponed the big shop, and I have had to send mama out for Mussel Meat. Why can't ITV acknowledge that the BBC exists - are people just going to blindly watch just the ITV games. Grrrr.
Anyway my Blog has been getting some Fans, from far and wide. Far being Lebanon, Wide being Dominic Dobb (sorry). Here is a picture of me with my No.1 Fan. She's a little temperamental, always blowing hot and cold.

As the England v Sweden game comes up on the horizon, I couldn't help notice the difference in the Fans appearance. For you budding sleuths can you spot the difference?

Looking Out My Window

What Can I See?
You will notice the big tree. This tree contains all the birds that wake me up every morning. The tree also covers the entire garden in shade past 6.30. The Tree is the Root of All Evil. Not a sunny start to the day (as you can see).
Second Birthday of Sophie Robinson today. I have bought her some wood. I hope she likes it.
Family Bash tomorrow in honour of the 'lil'ginger'.
Tempus Fugit
When you're having Fun. Doesn't seem a week since I finished work, had
hair and a tabula rasa of a blog. Now I have less hair, more blog.
Only two games today to feed off, which should leave the afternoon open for a Tesco Big Shop. I have largely had supine tendencies in the evenings (but this is largely due to the juice).
The day after the day before, will undoubtedly have the papers panning the England performance. To be honest, they deserve everything, as the entire team (esp. Joe Cole) is a compound of braggadocio and rodomontade.
Don't know about adventure this morning, I might drop the bike and peregrinate the local dingly dell. At least the Pell Mell of the previous two days has lifted, and I can carry on my libation.

I haven't turned into a dipsomaniac yet. The Liquors are still intact.
My Cacoethes for Mussel Meat is never ending, so that will be top of my list.

Only two games today to feed off, which should leave the afternoon open for a Tesco Big Shop. I have largely had supine tendencies in the evenings (but this is largely due to the juice).
The day after the day before, will undoubtedly have the papers panning the England performance. To be honest, they deserve everything, as the entire team (esp. Joe Cole) is a compound of braggadocio and rodomontade.
Don't know about adventure this morning, I might drop the bike and peregrinate the local dingly dell. At least the Pell Mell of the previous two days has lifted, and I can carry on my libation.

I haven't turned into a dipsomaniac yet. The Liquors are still intact.
My Cacoethes for Mussel Meat is never ending, so that will be top of my list.