Sunday, June 18, 2006


Birthday BBQ gave us the Worms

BBQ pt.2, was a sophisticated soiree, with delightful conversation and heated debate about current affairs. Well it would have been if the party revellers' constitutions were not 80% Alcohol 20% Meat.

This combination forced sophistication to sit in the corner, face the wall and sulk.

Hough Towers were the salubrious surroundings we found ourselves in, and as is the right of the host, he had first choice on which dance move he could use throughout the evening.

The Bus Stop, The Hustle, The Bump all worthy dance moves. But what would Ed Hough pop his ass to? The Worm was an obvious choice, as both Ed and worms become highly visible after rainstorms, have abilities to get into tight holes whilst contracting and expanding and usually end up with birds sucking them up. Here he is on the down swing.

The Ambassador really spoiled us with a fine selection of meats, fish and er...feta cheese, as you can see Food Accuracy Tester, Ste was enjoying his fill. I even have one shot of him NOT eating.

Lest us not forget, that the BBQ was in honour of Sal, and her ability to get older. To celebrate a cake was brought forth in the shape of a dog. Dougal as he became known was a loyal companion for about 12 minutes, before he was consumed.

As more Rooney Juice was consumed the inevitable stand offs began to happen. One such feud, ended with "name calling" and mutual chafing. Here are the two pugilists. Remember don't fight the LAW.

Especially when it looks like this.

All in all a text book evening, especially as I was able to do some ramshanking to Rick James' Superfreak later on in the evening.

I'm glad I didn't have to view / clean up the aftermath of this, it was probably best that I disappeared in the early hours.

Remember in the words of the Immortal (and no longer Scary) Bill Hough.

"If you can't beat them, probably best poisoning them."


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