Sunday, October 15, 2006
Heading to a Wedding

So yet another wedding to find myself in. Well this one proved to be "heavy" in the old biblical sense. Ironically, for a wedding it was the aptly named "Wife Beater", Stella that was to do the damage. So much so, that still to this day Stella has not entered the Phillips constitution again.

Of course my resplendent wedding suit saw the light of day again, however the "Jesus Saves" belt was banned on this occassion - which on balance was a mistake. Pretty soon on I got light headed, but this might

If I was light headed, Adrian was down right leathered. Literally.
Here is Brother In Law to the stars, Dave "The Untamed Beast" Robinson abusing the drunken mess. Look at the madness in his eyes.
Last time eyes as alarming as these were seen was in

The downside to all this high jinx however was that I then had t

Obviously a bad showing by the boy, even out lasted by Sophie - and she even drunk more. Check out the sly dummy dunking approach, a more mature way of pacing yourself. However when your mothers' main dance move is the "Pointed Finger", the future looks bleak. So stop smiling little one.