Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Totally Unwell Bring & Buy Sale

As you can see I had a fine selection of wares.
From (L-R)
1. A large log - a lot of bark, perfect for Peg manufacture. Estimate £1.17
2. A Royal Doulton Spanish Lady. Would set off any Mantlepiece. Estimate £0.87
3. Yorkshire Brass Band Tragi-Comedy "Brassed Off". Estimate £17.32
4. Three Empty Hoegaarden Bottles. Perfect for keeping Hoegaarden in. Estimate £0.12 each
5. Washington Redskins NFL helmet, as worn by me on the blog. Contains real helmet sweat Estimate £16.11
6. 200 piece Power Ranger Jigsaw. Estimate 1p a piece.
7. Half a Packet of Cornflakes, perfect for that "Half Full, Half Empty" philosophical debate you can have. Estimate £0.97
8. Connect 4 with no pieces - No Longer For Sale, I am going to keep it for all the filthy lucre this sale will bring.
None of these items have a reserve, if you want to bid - do it through the comment function. However any kid who can do a swap with a Lee Majors Fall Guy Action Figure will take precedence.
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I'm sure the helmet would come in handy once your back at work and those quick fire insults start up again!
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