Thursday, June 15, 2006
Fear and Loathing Finally Hits

Felt very odd during the latter stages of last nights match. Not feeling much better this morning, could have the first hangover of the World Cup so far. I might need to mix up the sessions of strong beers with something a bit weaker (like meths). Only 2 Weissbier left now, but a battalion of strong Belgian Ales are waiting to ambush me today.
Haven't started hallucinating yet, but there is something not sitting quite right. The left eye has started flickering and I have taken to staring into space. All I need to do now is start rocking, and my progression to madness will be complete.
I think some fresh air and an omelette will help. In search of that little extra something to get me through day 7 of the World Cup, I will take to wearing my lucky belt.