Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Beards in the World Cup

As with the haircuts previously mentioned, not enough decent beards in the World Cup this year. In fact not enough beards in Football at all. In homage of the beard, two of the finest exponents,
Peter Disztl and Antal Roth of Magyarorszag (or Hungary as they are commonly known).
The Beards didn't do them too much good as they got hammered 6-0 by the CCCP.
Mussel Meat has turned up, which is a fantastic addition to today's events. Looks like the Koreans may knick the Togo game, under the roof in Frankfurt. Mark Bright seems to be loving the fact that it's like playing in a 'greenhouse'. The Korean national anthem was also played twice, which was nice. Probably the worst game of the tournament so far, oh well. One of the Togo players seems to play for some kind of French equivalent to a "pub side". Which surely is a first at a World Cup. Mind you their manager does look like a working mens club bar manager.